Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Racial Harmony? Dream On!

This says it all!

Malaysia as many noted is a country blessed with abundance of natural resources. You want rubber? We have it. You want palm oil? We have it! You want timber? We have it! Gas? Petrol? Tin? Basically we got everything under the sun except for diamond and rubies!

For such a rich country to fall so far behind in terms of development compared to it's "poor" cousin, Singapore is something the Government needs to look into urgently. Much of it has to do with the policies in place. We are bleeding to death; a disease commonly known as brain drain!

I know, the race and religion issues are something more or less a taboo in this country. Speak on it, you might get slapped with the Sedition Act or the ISA. But can't the people in charge wake up? No one in this country is questioning the Malay rights. It's already guaranteed in the holy constitution. But brain drain is a very real issue; an expensive one it is! Government has tried to lure back our professionals back to their homeland with incentives and what not but the end result? The adage "prevention is better than cure" can be more accurate and true. Why this people leave at the first place? Money? Perhaps.... but the main thing to me is that most of them felt unwanted at the 1st place. We did the hard work educating these people from Standard 1 but it's Singapore or other countries that reap the benefits!

Now it seems that the racial temperature has gone up a notch or two. Bar Council was criticised for holding a open forum on religious matter. Then UiTM students held demos and marched to send a memorandum to the S'gor MB for proposing to open 10% of UiTM to non-bumi. Then PPIM project director came out blasting the MB saying there was no need to sideline Malay rights. "If something like this is allowed to happen, then there will be a worrying situation where many Malay institutions will crumble and be 'Malaysianised'.
WHAT? "Malaysianise" is now a bad thing? So the slogan for our 51st Merdeka day 'Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan' don't hold water anymore? This is crazy. Yes, I understand his stand and I respect it but these are strong words! What about the racist teacher that utter racial slurs against her Indian students? Well, she got the punishment, if you consider getting transfer to a better school and nearer to home as one!

The education ministry has fail miserably in fostering racial harmony. In fact the whole Government fails us even after 50 years of independence. Discard racial policies/politics. Don't give the impression that the Chinese, Indians and the 'lain-lain' don't contribute to the growth of this lovely country.

Malaysia is for Malaysians; not just Malay/Chinese/Indian and 'lain-lain'!