Thank you MCA, long seen by the opposition as the small brother that dare not talk back to his taiko by raising its voice on the racist remarks by one of UMNOputras goon!
Ever since Dr Wee voiced out his dissatisfaction over the remarks during the Permatang Pauh by-election, the sentiment has now turn into a very vocal protest by the MCA; particularly the Youth Wing. What a stand! What a brave move, and for this I salute you!
UMNOputras must wake up from their deep slumber. Isn't 308 enough a lesson already? Why must those kind of hurtful remarks must be made? To win over Malay votes? That's too shallow and only idiots will think along those racial lines! (I bet there are a few more in BN). Anwar won many votes mainly because voters are generally fed-up with BN antics. Body blows, sodomy, religion, race and what not are their only ways to get votes rather than concentrating in telling the rakyat that we are gearing for a change for the better. Sudah basi la.... will and never work!
So, the MCA has organised a signature campaign to demand that this bugger offer an apology for branding the Chinese as mere 'tumpang-tumpang' only. As if the Chinese has contributed nothing to this wonderful country. We hold the same IC as you do, asshole! Even Gerakan has taruk UMNO for this issue! UMNO will now have to face the MCA and the Chinese in general and convince us that they are not racists.
Either they change or they will be changed in the near future.
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