Police keeping watch at the Bar Council HQWith the recent demonstration or protest to disrupt the open forum organised by the Bar Council, I can see that some (or most) of the Malaysian public is still unable to act rationally to discuss topics labelled as "sensitive". I was appalled by the words used by Ministers that I interpreted as a veiled threat; word like "don't play with fire", "question the right....." Totally uncalled for.
What's so threatening is a matured open forum being held in a closed premise? If the forum is to question the rights of any race or criticize any religion, by all means close it down. Drag those responsible/organisers to court. But no! Why can't everybody sit down and have a good open forum and talk about issues that affects every Malaysians? What about our rights in our own country? Why the authorities don't pursue matters that's more threatening, i.e kerosene bombs thrown at Dato' Sharizat's house? "I told you so...." sounds so stupid because it implies that it's
OK to burn some one's house than talk about "sensitive" issues. Maybe next time, other races can demonstrate or barge into a meeting when Malay parties talk about Malay unity because it can cause uneasiness among others.
To make matter worse, Pak Lah has said that the Home Ministry could take action against the Bar Council for holding the forum. In this take, I'm really disappointed with Pak Lah. I've always thought that he will be
the one that will give his full support for a more open society with his reform agendas. Seems like he himself needs to have support from certain quarters when his position is at stake. Now, that would be a really sad day for Malaysia.
After more than 50 years of independence, we have become more racist. Going backward with racist remarks made by politicians just to gain some publicity or support. Politicians or political parties will not be afraid to play the race/religion card to gain popularity. Power play in politic is normal but to use the race card is just so uncool! MCA has been critical of the demos. Rightly so! Why none of the Malay ministers/politicial condemn this act which is "not our culture"? Why ?
Grow up!!... We, Malaysians deserves better!
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