Another round of expensive repairs!
It was reported that Pak Lah was upset with the latest problem with MRR2 needing repairs just after 2 years after repair works costing RM70million. Upset!? If I were him, I drag whoever responsible to court for wasting public funds and most probably for corruption too. The big word here is responsibility. Is there any of it now? BPR needs to look into this. This BN government is just riddled with scandals after scandals!
It was reported that Pak Lah was upset with the latest problem with MRR2 needing repairs just after 2 years after repair works costing RM70million. Upset!? If I were him, I drag whoever responsible to court for wasting public funds and most probably for corruption too. The big word here is responsibility. Is there any of it now? BPR needs to look into this. This BN government is just riddled with scandals after scandals!
Pak Lah was quoted saying: "This could have been easily avoided if those responsible had ensured that earlier repair works had been done properly. If this had been done, there would be no damage and the rakyat would not be fuming". How he noticed! The problem here is that no one seems to be responsible for anything. Ministers are big shots appointed to look good and give statements to the media. If there's any blooper, just blame it on the media for "misquoting". No one seems to own up to anything anymore. When things go wrong, point fingers, point anywhere except to oneself. Since when have we heard of ministers resigning for a screwed-up job in Malaysia; Dr. Chua is an exception. His case is more of a political assassination.
On the latest approval rating on our PM showing a slide, Pak Lah seems to be calm on it. Tak apa lah, was his response. Tak Apa? If this is the attitude of our Taiko running a country, can you imagine the people working under him? This Tidak Apa attitude is just going to do more damages to us. Don't worry, Be happy!? Come on, Pak Lah... you need to buck up. Show your strength to all of us. Bring those responsible for any wrong doings to the book. Show them no mercy. We need you to lead the country. Or else, someone else will. Maybe you yourself already surrender?
So, again part of the MRR2 will need to closed. Repairs will take place again. Again motorists will be affected. I believe it won't be the last of it.......
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