Monday, May 25, 2009

Long Live Apartheid!

This is the logo of a racist council

Long Live Apartheid...... well, not in South Africa, my friend. It was long dead and history. I was talking about apartheid in Malaysia! Yes, you read it right..... MALAYSIA!

I was so damn fucking shocked and sadden when I read the report on the online news portal Malaysian Insider that carried this story. Click here for full story.

We're living in the 21st century and after the political tsunami on 308, I've always thought that people should have wise up and at least could tone down the racial slurs. But hell NO! Another donkey by the name Dr Ahmad Zaki (I've no idea what kinda doc is he) opens his mouth and spewed shit all over the place. Felt sad to see a learned (he's a doc; he should have at least graduated from primary school) man making this statement.

Already there are people starting a online petition calling for the vernacular schools to be abolished. The reason? Well, these schools are the cause for national disunity and apparently, these schools hampers the PM effort to realise his dream of 1Malaysia! I'd say these are again racist statement and are nothing but rubbish! Abolish all unfair policies, and maybe the people will support; otherwise, it's all talk cock by brainless dickheads!

So, I'm hoping to see what the Police will do to this doctor. Aren't these rubbish seditious? They're lightning quick to arrest lawyers and candlelight vigils. They're super efficient in raiding opposition office and stopping hunger strikes. Maybe we can see the same applies here.... maybe ISA too for Dr Ahmad's own safety.

Bottom line is, the people of Malaysia is generally sick and tired of racial slurs spewed by a bunch of educated dickheads. It's time for the nation to move on for a common good. No one is 2nd class here and we must be equal!



Si Pekik A.K.A Si Pekak said...

Yeah, we love boleh-land...!
where everybody's suckerrr

kopitelp16 said...

The funny thing in Boleh land is that when a certain people raised out racist points, they are treated like hero! Sad!