Let's go to school again, shall we?Well, he dug a hole.... too deep to get out and now he blamed someone else for digging that very hole for him to be trapped. He stepped on a pile of his own shit and he blamed someone for not cleaning up his own mess.
He gave a comment during an interview that the Chinese voters were ungrateful and swung their votes to the opposition despite being granted allocation for schools and what not. Since the news broke out, he was under tremendous pressure for those remarks given his position as the N0 2 in the country; a country where racist or hurtful remarks can be sensitive issues.
ut the blame on BN loss at the by-election on the the Chinese shoulders? Calling us ungrateful for all the BN government did? Now, isn't it the duty of the government to give out allocation to all and not just during elections or by-elections? Aren't these our right as citizen to enjoy the benefits? To vote for or against you is a different story all together.
Now the No 2 has tried to squirm out of this hole by (again.....) saying the Chinese media twisted and misrepresented him. He lashed out to the irresponsible reporting, barking " If they don't understand the Malay language, then we can send them to school".
Let's all read into what he said during the interview with Utusan Malaysia....
Q: Tetapi bukankah setiap kali pilihan raya kecil, permintaan kaum bukan Melayu dipenuhi, malah di Bukit Gantang walaupun peruntukan RM1juta diberikan tetapi kaum Cina tidak juga menyokong BN?
Ini yang mungkin menyebabkan sukar BN mendapat sokongan walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi. Pada waktu itu, kita pun tidak berharap sokongan kaum Cina akan meningkat 40 peratus dan sebagainya cuma kita berharap ada peningkatan sedikit tetapi apa yang berlaku ia mencatatkan penurunan, macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.
Now, you make your own assumption on this. Maybe our newly installed Ed Minister needs to go to school again!
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