A bitter pill to swallow....Finally, after much pressure, UMNO through the DPM has issued an public apology for the racist remarks made by the Bukit Bendera UMNO division head during the PP by-election. Though it is a bit too late, at least it is a good sign that UMNO has finally accepted responsibility for the mistake made by its member. This serves as a big embarrassment for Pak Lah's Government.
"We hope that the non-Malays will not be too disturbed with the statement and we apologise if it has incurred the sensitivities or unhappiness over the statement"."We apologise, Umno apologises although it is not our statement but it is a statement made by one of our division leaders. It is totally unwarranted and does not reflect the position and the attitude of Umno or the leadership of Umno. We regret it very much," Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is also Umno deputy president, was quoted.This serves a lesson to all that Malaysians are Malaysians and ALL have contributed to this country. Those in power must remember that it is the rakyat that put them where they are; not the other way round.
Now, I'm waiting for the appropriate action to be taken against this racist goon as promised by the DPM. ISA or Sedition Act, maybe? Better be good.....
The rakyat is waiting!
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