Beng Hock, your light will burn brightly.When I saw the news on TV, where they showed Beng Hock's wife assurance to him that she'll carry their baby and marry him no matter what, my heart felt so painful. I was crying inside as I know how hard it is so say good bye to someone so dear in our life.
To those heartless, cold blooded assholes who made stupid and stinky remarks on his death.... FUCK YOU! I have a few awards for these people/bodies to be forever inducted into my Hall of Scums:
First on my list is the UMNO papers' editors. By now, I think you guys know which papers I'm referring to. No one is playing the race card. No one except you! No one is questioning anything on the Malay. No one is doubting the abilities of the Malay. What we want is justice for a fellow Malaysian that cooperated fully for an investigation and never came home. That's what we want! So, for these well-paid low life amoeba...... FUCK OFF!!
Second on my award list is Zombie of Perak. A cheap politician trying to score a cheap point by hitting a cheap shot at his rival. Critisizing Nizar for holding a candle in a vigil for Beng Hock by trying to potray Nizar as not true Muslim. Huh? What logic is that? Anyway, amoeba can think logically.
Third is for our beloved de-facto Law Minister for suggesting that Beng Hock committed suicide. Oops... once again, the press twisted and/or misquotes and/or took his word out of context. Anyway, cold blooded creatures can't talk straight.
Last but not least... to the Grand Ol' Man of Malaysian Politics. For suggesting that the Chinese is the master of this country, you as such a Maha Racist! You corrupted the country for your own political agenda, breeding croyinsm and nepotism. Now, you wanna be a hero for your superior race and put the blame solely on the Chinese? Go eat your birthday cake and choke!
Beng Hock, rest in peace. I may not know you or anyone in your family but I do share their pain.
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