H1N1... we can defeat you!By now, I don't think anyone old enough to read or turn on the idiot box or radio would not know what the hell is H1N1. It has caught us off guard and spread like wildfire. I think basically the Health Ministry has conceded defeat and now urged the public to self monitor rather than rely too much on the government; which I think is the right thing to do. If we don't start to take care of ourselves, then who will? Just asking the Government to do all the job is unfair and it puts a lot of stress on the medical facilities.
I personally think our Government is actually doing 'too much' on this matter. I know, you might screw me but I do think over-reacting to this pandemic is causing more harm than good. Yes, the virus can spread easily but on the bright side, mortality rate is extremely low. What needs to be done is for the public to be educated, self monitor and SEEK medical attention IMMEDIATELY if even simple symptoms of flu and fever is suspected. Never be a hero....... hero die young!
What angers me today is the attitude of some very very
kiasu, kiasi parents! Read
here for more details. It is totally uncalled for! Asking the affected parents to issue a public apology? How stupid and selfish is that? Maybe they thought it's fun for the parents to have their children infected and have to suffer; not only physically but also mentally. Just imagine how tough it is for the children to go back to their class and don't be surprised if their friends' parents asked their children not to go near them. The stigma they will suffer will surely put a lot of mental stress in these young kids.
So for those parents who demanded apologies, go screw yourselves. Be ashamed of your stupidity and please never repeat such a moronic act again. You are setting a very bad example to your own children.
To those parents and children affected, be strong and get well soon! The H1N1 needs to do better to break us......
You'll Never Walk Alone!
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